May 26, 2024

Southwest flight attendants dance for passengers at airport gate

Crew members on a Southwest Airlines flight put a smile on their customers’ faces yesterday as a pilot and flight attendant broke into a dance routine at the gate.

“Looks like I’m on the fun @SouthwestAir flight with a cool crew,” wrote passenger and TikTok user Julia, aka @theofficialsugarbaker, who also posted the video to Twitter.

In the video, the two uniformed staffers give the Strictly pros a run for their money with an improvised ballroom dance at the end of the bridge, just as boarding passengers approach.

Julia identified the staffers as “Captain Wally” and “flight attendant Cynthia” and followed up on Twitter to say that she had been boarding a flight to Baltimore/Washington International.

“Now that’s a happy flight,” commented one TikTok follower, while Southwest’s official Twitter account responded, saying: “Yeah that’s definitely the cool crew!”

Another fan of the airline wrote: “Southwest employees usually look, act and interact with customers as if they like their jobs. It shows.”

Southwest flight attendants are known by social media users for their fun-loving, informal and sometimes unorthodox approach to inflight service.

The airline recently made headlines when another TikTok user posted a video of Southwest crew using the tilt of the plane to fling snack packets down the aisle for customers to grab them.

“They seem so fun,” wrote one viewer, with another saying: “This cracks me up! Who doesn’t need a good laugh during a flight?”

In another camera-worthy Southwest moment, another crew member was filmed making a veil, crown and tiered wedding cake out of toilet paper and snack packets for a bride-to-be on the flight, before presenting them to her with a tannoy announcement and asking her to walk down the aisle with them.

“Best flight attendant ever!” wrote the TikTok user who captured the video.

In another social media video, a Southwest employee was filmed singing a jaunty song on a flight to Hawaii to applause and cheering from passengers.

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